Just randomly, Elizabeth decided we should do a post on our dogs. Since I can finally put pictures in without "Hello" (YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I'm going to put one of Jake too!
A teary-eye, heartfelt, memory jogging picture for many of you. But make new friends and keep the old(even if they're dead), and thats just what I/we did.
On a cold morning in December, I had finsihed watching "A Cinderella Story," and decided to do some late morning/ early afternoon devotions. Little did I know, the hope had of getting a dog since the very day Jake died, finally came..it looked like it was actually going to happen. After even more begging and convining that we HAD to get another dog (and despite what anyone says, we did, ask anyone in my family, they would never give up Luke), finally i was putting up a "shopping for a dog" away message, and we were off to see the puppies, the wonderful puppies of amish country**tune to the wonderful wizard of Oz**. We finally found the place we were looking for, (it took FOREVER!!!!!! the suspense was killing me...just kidding...but the anxiousness and excitement was!) and got to go see the puppies. We wanted a guy, and there were only two guys. With the two guyswere their sisters (obviously) and one of them i will ALWAYS remeber. It was like Roxie only smaller, and brown. It may have even been hyperer (if that is a word).Anyways, two guy dogs. One hyper and playful (the one i was holding and wanted to get...only because i was holding it) and one laid back,quiet,and shy. Now guess which one is Luke? Yeah..you'll probably laugh at the answer if you've met Luke. It was the shy one..and he's grown tobe more outgoing...A LOT more outgoing. Anyways, we picked "Luke," paid for him, and off we were to introduce him to his new home..and his new friend Roxie..i'll spare you the details..It can get ugly. But now he is a big, hyper, playful, almost full-grown lab..and i think i will admit finally, that i'm glad we got him , instead of shopping for a black lab. :)
1 comment:
very nice, touching, heartwarming story. *sniffle* luke is an awesome dog
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