Thursday, June 29, 2006

A little something before i venture off...

So, I decided that before I leave you, I should leave you something.
This week was VBS, and I thought it was really fun. I was in the tribe of Levi, with Libby. We had Kyle in our group, and boy does he talk A LOT! Wow, that is one smart kid!The bread was really good, of course. I also liked the market place and the dramas were really good this year. I don't think there is a 3rd Holy Land Adventure. I really liked this VBS. But, no I must say my final good bye to the Bethlehem Marketplace.
The outreach was fun. We didn't get to talk to many people face to face about their relationship with Christ, but we invited a lot of people to BSBC and to VBS.
I must say that I am quite delighted to go to Myrtle Beach this year and not Marco Island. Not only do we get to drive and not fly, but its more of a family environment, Nanny is coming,its not mosquitoe infested, and there are quite so many rules (plus the pool doesn't feel like a hot tub).
Stpehn and Jimmy were at camp this week, and it was just me and Beckie here...that was quite interesting, especially today.
I did my piano solo and my drama, and I think they both went quite well, so 75% of my summer stress is gone! YAY! I just have to finish my report, which won't be bad. Now I can just sit back and enjoy the summer!
Last night i wrote a prayer to God and we worked somethings out. It was nice to get things offa my chest. I listened to Selah: Greatest Hymns. It was really nice. It reminds me of the conversation me and Nanny had on the way home from VBS. We passed The Chapel and noted that it was a really big church. I am so blessed and thankful to attend BSBC, where we are a small community and everybody knlolws everybody. I also like that we are an "old-fashioned" church, rather than a "contemporary" because we get to sing hymns, which i really enjoy.
Nathan came over this morning. I think he found his new favorite :Beckie. that kid was running all over the house yelling her name. He loves her, and I think its really cute.
So, I am going to miss you all! I send you all my love! Have a good time at VBS!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

It's almost time for dinner, but I think I have time for a quick post (yeah, I know, very unusual for me).
Well, today it rained, so i spent most of the day in infront of the T.V. Yeah, I kinda feel like I wasted my day completely. I'm sure Youth group will be more worth while though. Brittany, Rosie, and Kassie went to Alive yesterday. They called me. Andy might go up to. I hope they have fun.
Yesterday was the piano recital. As usual, my nerves got ahold of me, and I messed up the duet AND my solo. Most of the mistakes on my solo were because of the piano pedal. It took almost all of my foot strength to get it down! Oh well, the church piano is much better, so hopefully I'll be able to play better on Sunday.
So, here's my post, I'll probably post later this week.

Friday, June 16, 2006

So, i think i'm getting the point: Emily needs to post.
I'm a lazy person in the summer, what can I say?
Well, I won't tell you all that's happend, since its been a long time since my last post. I ended middle school in tears, and yeah, I'm still not happy about that. But I was encouraged by Mrs. Scott that God will be there with me.
Girls night out was A LOT of fun! Guess what Rosie! Its 10:44! Yeah, Emily gets a little looney in the late hours....
Hmm....i have a piano recital next week...yuck....oh well, its to help old people in a nursing home be happy, so i guess its worth it.
The Youth Group picnic was AWESOME! Me and Ty hung together most of the time. I love that girl! I only get to see her at church these days, so we had a lot of fun sitting by "Alder Pond" more like "Alder's Puke" if you ask me, and talking. She makes me smile =) See?
Elizabeth and I have been doing the traditional summer activities, although we can't seem to break last year's record with the beach ball volleying. Elizabeth however broke a new record with staying under water for 1 minute and 10 seconds.
I really like summer. No school and no stress...except the piano recital, piano lab, and special music....and the summer reading...but that'll all pass through....i'll live.
Well, i think I'll let you be, hopefully I'll post within a week. You never no, I get so busy being lazy, i just may not be able to fit it in my schhedule!
