Tuesday, June 28, 2005

What I Know Now

This poem that I wrote mainly last night is dedicated toa ll of those who have lost someone in a Drunkdriving accident, have killed someone in a drunk driving accident, or have been under the pressure of an alcoholic relationship.

"What I Know Now"

My name is Jordan,
I am 18,
My big brother died,
intoxicated, at the scene.

it was prom night you see,
his face filled with glee,
a night filled with love,
with stars glowing above.
He didn't think it would happen,
Who'd predict that it would?
nobody knows ahead of time,
that he'd back into a car's hood!
Anyways, they all set off,and said their goodbyes,
anxiousness and adventure
seen in their eyes.
And like all the "others"
they did it as well,
they took that small drink,
and said a farwell.
Goodbye to their family,
goodbye to their friends,
goodbye to their life,
and hello to the end.
Of course they didn't know it,
nobody did,
they all became senseless idiots,
as soon as they popped the lid (of the bottle)
and then they were off,
to the dance, at the school,
strutting around,
thinkin' they were so cool.
But then it happened,
the cars crashed together,
my brother dreaming,
feeling as light as a feather.
Then the phone rang,
and my mom picked it up.
I just can't erase,
the look on her face.
She told me to stay,
and went to find father.
i didn't object,
I didn't want to bother.
They they took off,
just to shortly return,
they had to tell me,
i had to learn.
I loved my brother,
very much so,
I just coudn't see how. (this could happen)
I just wished he knew then,
what i know now.

My name is Jordan,
I am 18,
my brother breathed his last breath,
as an intoxicted teen.
I'm sorry to all who have suffered in any way because of alcohol.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Just randomly, Elizabeth decided we should do a post on our dogs. Since I can finally put pictures in without "Hello" (YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I'm going to put one of Jake too!

A teary-eye, heartfelt, memory jogging picture for many of you. But make new friends and keep the old(even if they're dead), and thats just what I/we did.

On a cold morning in December, I had finsihed watching "A Cinderella Story," and decided to do some late morning/ early afternoon devotions. Little did I know, the hope had of getting a dog since the very day Jake died, finally came..it looked like it was actually going to happen. After even more begging and convining that we HAD to get another dog (and despite what anyone says, we did, ask anyone in my family, they would never give up Luke), finally i was putting up a "shopping for a dog" away message, and we were off to see the puppies, the wonderful puppies of amish country**tune to the wonderful wizard of Oz**. We finally found the place we were looking for, (it took FOREVER!!!!!! the suspense was killing me...just kidding...but the anxiousness and excitement was!) and got to go see the puppies. We wanted a guy, and there were only two guys. With the two guyswere their sisters (obviously) and one of them i will ALWAYS remeber. It was like Roxie only smaller, and brown. It may have even been hyperer (if that is a word).Anyways, two guy dogs. One hyper and playful (the one i was holding and wanted to get...only because i was holding it) and one laid back,quiet,and shy. Now guess which one is Luke? Yeah..you'll probably laugh at the answer if you've met Luke. It was the shy one..and he's grown tobe more outgoing...A LOT more outgoing. Anyways, we picked "Luke," paid for him, and off we were to introduce him to his new home..and his new friend Roxie..i'll spare you the details..It can get ugly. But now he is a big, hyper, playful, almost full-grown lab..and i think i will admit finally, that i'm glad we got him , instead of shopping for a black lab. :)

Sunday, June 26, 2005

They're all leaving me!

All of them every last one of them! AHHHHH!!!! What am i going to do? I will have all the food i want, any computer i want, and iw ill be able to waqtch T.V. any time i want! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH MYSELF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Becky, Stephen, and Jimmy will all be leaving tomarrow for CAmp Patmos. I an going to miss them sssssssooooooo much! Sure I'll have my friends and parents, but being an only child is as fun as you think it is (relation to other people w/ brothers and sisters). No Becky, no Jimmy, no Stephen, and no Brittany. When you reduce a family of 6 for a week to a family of 3, you can get severe cases of Sibling Withdrawl (worse than Chicago!).I willm miss you all, but have fun, and I love you all very much!


Thursday, June 23, 2005

Sleepover At Liz's

Tonight after youth group, i went over to Elizabeth's to spend the night.After 2hrs of the sims,we took a break and played with this little game system thingy that her brother got for Christmas, and then played Tony Hawk(of course,Elizabeth won and i lost). Then we watched "Elf," best Christmas comedy ever, even if it is June (not including "A Christmas Story").Then, Elizabeth got some cheat codes for....you'll never guess....TONYHAWK, and we played that for a while, then played Diddy-Kong Racing for a while, and well,we'll just say i am as bad at that as i am at Tony Hawk. No, Worse! Well, i'm getting tired, Good night, and God Bless you! *Pastor*


Sunday, June 19, 2005

10 Wrong Answers, and a man gets free

I'm guessing most of you know about the Michael Jackson trial results. And if you didn't, here they are:

1. Not Guilty
2. Not Guilty
3. Not Guilty
4.Not Guilty
5. Not Guilty
6. Not Guilty
7. Not Guilty
8. Not Guilty
9.Not Guilty
10. Not Guilty

Okay.......now if it were MY court these would be my verdicts:


*Now, i didnt watch most of the trials, but according to my dad, he gave kids alcohol,and did other stuff with them.If that isnt enough to get a guy trouble, than what is? i mean thats just sick.*

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Doggie Detectors

Ever wondered if dogs can see things that we can't?

I mean, my dog Luke, barks out of nowhere. It seems as if he is looking at something. He just stares and barks.It make no sense! Why would he be barking at nothing. I don't beleive in Ghosts, but would it be awfully stpid to post the question:

Can dogs see things that we can't?

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

A summer "Pop Quiz"

Okay,so yeah I'm out of school, but that doesn't mean i have no more tests. Actually i have a lot of them in the future. But lets startn with the one i had today.

Today during my devotions, i read about prayer. Ihad read about a man name Elijah, who had prayed earnestly, and got what he had asked for. I stopped reading on account of my breakfast was ready, so i ate it, and didn't dwell on the verse anymore.

Later this afternoon, Roxie got stuck under the barn. Now when i say Stcuk i mean STUCK. WE spent about and hour trying to get her back out. Guess what i did? I prayed. And I told God i would try and pray earnestly (didn't exactly know what it meant). Guess what happened?A little while after i prayed (I prayed more than once), my mom told us to leave her alone, and maybe she'd come out. About one minute after that, i was in the bathroom, and there is a window in it. I saw Roxie's little white head pop out. Then i saw her whole body pop out.

~*!*~Goes to show what prayer does~*!*~

Sunday, June 12, 2005

The American Idiots

Sorry to anyone who really likes this song...no offense!

"American Idiot"
Don't wanna be an American idiot.
Don't want a nation under the new media.
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind**** America.

Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alien nation.
Everything isn't meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
Well that's enough to argue.

Well maybe I'm the faggot America.
I'm not a part of a redneck agenda.
Now everybody do the propaganda.
And sing along in the age of paranoia.

Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alien nation.
Everything isn't meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
Well that's enough to argue.

Don't wanna be an American idiot.
One nation controlled by the media.
Information nation of hysteria.
It's going out to idiot America.

Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alien nation.
Everything isn't meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
well that's enough to argue
Green Day

Lets ponder for a moment.
1.Free religion
2. Free speech
4.Education required
5. money available
6.food available
7.everyone is elligble for a job (sp)
8. Democracy
9.justice system
10. Government who listens

Hmm...and thats only 10 reasons why America is so cool

now refering back to the song.......
I don't think that Green Day is a bad band (except for language) and i don't think that American Idiot is completely worthless**i like the melody**. But, i do think that the message isn't very good. We have soliders fighting out there to keep our country the way it is. And unless this song is talking about the moral standing in some of the people in our country who murder and assault others, then this song is terrible. It doesnt honor those who were great. People such as past presidents, inventors, writers, actors,and much more. So, in conclusion, I have a question. If those fine, upstanding people heard this song and read the lyrics, what would they think?

*Yeah, sweet guys*