Wednesday, February 16, 2005

My Friends Away Message

Today my friend (who i will leave unnamed) left an away message and told me "sorry"

I figured it was poiltics, and guess what? I was right!!!!!

Here it is:
I really don't like political jokes...Too many of them are getting elected.
"They misunderestimated me."- George W. Bush
Governemnt philosophy: if it ain't broke, fix it 'till it is.
Don't support gay marriage? Don't have one.Don't support abortion? Don't get one.Don't agree with the war? Don't enlist.Don't agree with me? Vote for Bush!
Lol, I know the election was months ago, but this is funny. And I still hate Bush.

hmmm...If Bush was a political joke, would he have gotten so many votes, or even won the popular vote AN the electorial college vote...and Ohio???

And yes, they do misunderstand Bush. They all say "Hes an idiot" and make fun of him. But if i remember correctly about learning about presidents, you have to be REALLY REALLY smart to become president. Lets see, Bush did become president, and will be for 8 years (if he doesnt die or the rapture doesnt happen)....hmmm..I rest my case.

Lets see...Don't get married to the same sex if you dont like Gay MArriages-lets see how this turns how. there will be chaos. Why would i( a straght) person, want to be involved with, and influenced by a gay person...simple answer "I don't"

Dont support Abortion? hmm...ya..okay lets kill innocent lives, becasue we decided to create one, and now we dont want it. Ya..thats real nice.
And DONT try to tell me "oh, its just a fetus", or "oh, its just an Embryo", and dont even tell me "oh, its just a Zygote" I dont want to hear it. What ever stage it is in, then it is a living thing none the less.

Dont agree with the war? WE SUPPORT THE WAR!!!!!!

Dont agree with me? Well, i dont have anything to support me on this one :^)

I'm sorry if I offended anyone reading, and especially my friend, you know i still love you :^)

1 comment:

lizamundo said...

Woot woot! Go Emily!! I <3 Bush! He is such an awesome prez.I support the war, but even if i didnt, i would still support the troops. they are putting their lives on the line and being at constant risk of suicide bombers, hijackers, and 'weapons of mass destuction' obviously, we dont live in the greatest nation, but atleast we got a president who knows the Word and will attempt to make it known in the US of A.