Monday, July 31, 2006

The Lion King

So, last night me and Beckie watched "The Lion King," and it was actually very good. There were somethings in the movie that I had never noticed before. Like a joke about turning Scar into a rug then beating him, and also when I was a child it nevery really sunk in that Scar and Mufasa (sp?) were brothers, they just didn't look alike, so it didn't occur to me that they were bros.
Everyone came home from camp, which made me really happy, because it was too quiet around here at night. It was actually pretty creepy. Stephen went back up, but I think this is his last week. THEN WE GO TO CANADA AND I AM SO INCREDIBLY EXCITED FOR THAT!
I went to morning swim practice just because and it was tiring, but my muscles didn't hurt til' afterwards. I actually prefer school swim team than summer swim, I don't know why, but I think I was actually homesick. Maybe it was because I didn't know everyone too well, and those I did know were in a different lane or I didn't really get to talk to them.
It's nice to have Pastor back at church. I really looked forward to evening service, and I enjoyed the sermon on 1 John. I vented on Rosie about my "bad day" (it really wasn't a bad day, i was just kidding) and then had a dispute with a handful of people regarding what color the bulletins were. They did look purple in the morning, but I guess they were really white.
A bird got trapped in the filter of our pool on Sunday, and my dad made me go out and throw it across the back fence. I didn't have to touch the bird, but it was still pretty gross.
Well, I'm going to check my email, play with the dog, then swim. Have a good day!


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Movie Critique

Well, Camp was awesome, of course! The speaker was great! What effected me most was that after living with 7 years of Salvation doubts, I can finally relax, cause I know I am saved, and that's a GREAT feeling!
Anyways, you're probably wondering what the title of my post is about. I just finished watching "Auquamarine"and I have some thoughts on it.
Part of the movie really exposed me to what a worldy or broken family is like. One of the characters had her father walk out on her, and she claimed that the only place shes sees and learns about love are magazines. Like seventeen, scope, GL, and all those girly things. It really makes me fell bad, because there maybe people out there who only see love tin those places, and it's not even there. I'm grateful to be able to see love between my parents, between my siblings and I, and ESCPECIALLY AND FOREMOST on the cross at calvary. Everytime I prop open my bible, I can see love.
The movie was about two best friends who were going to be separated at the end of the summer because one had to move to Austrilia. It made me think of Elizabeth. I am so lucky to have a best friend who lives so close.
To Elizabeth: Thankyou so much, you're such a great friend. I am so grateful that by some small chance of our parents going to the same church, we became friends. I will always be there for you and I'll always think you're the most awesomest coolest person, even if you feel like nothing. I love you!
And to all other friends, thankyou. I'm so lucky to have you as friends. You guys are awesome, and I'll always think you're awesome too!
Thanks, once again!


Saturday, July 15, 2006

Just another couple of days...

I decided that since I had some free time on my hands that I'd post.
Wednesday Brittany and Rosie spent the night after church (which was great, Carl did a great job leading devotions and Beckie :songs) and was...interesting. We learned that Five Iron Frenzy weren't wearing their own pants, and we watched Hangman's curse. We had muffins for breakfast, and we also watched the Alive 03 Audio Adrenaline concert.
Thursday was a very lazy day for me. Beckie had Jessica and Sara over, and I sat by the pool and read almost the whole time. I got in to swim a little too.
Friday the Hembrees and Keys spent the day at the pool with us. It was a little cool in hte pool, but that did not stop Andy and Timmy. They stayed in almost the whole time. Then after they left we got ready to go to Ty's party. THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN! We spent last night in the rain during a thunderstorm in the puddles of the parking lot at the church next door to their house. We were singing camp songs and just having so much fun. We watched "Your's, Mine, and Our's" and we also watched "While You Were Sleeping" but i went to sleep, then woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. Beckie, being the greatest sister EVER came and slept next to me and offered for me to wake her up if i needed to :) I love her. I finally fell asleep and then woke up around 9:30ish and we talked a little, ate breakfast, talked some more, then went home. It was lots o' fun.
Saturday, today, Beckie had a friend over and I've just been being lazy by the pool as usual. But the day hasn't ended yet. I might talk to Christine, take a dog for a walk, then i think we're getting candy/snacks for camp.


Have a good day!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Sunday, July 09, 2006

A heated post...

Well, spending a week at Myrtle beach, it really changed my thoughts about it. It was SO AWESOME!! We were allowed to...get this..HAVE FUN!!!!! Now I know we don't give Marco Island much credit, and i do feel bad about that, but i'm not kidding. This vacation was so much fun compared to last year. (P.S. I turned the porch light on after 9:00 just to disuprt the sea turtles....or maybe it was just to make fun of Marco Island...but whatever the reason...the porch light wa on after 9:00 and no one could stop me...)
Myrtle Beach brings me to my current fury: the worldliness of this world. On Tuesday night, our family went out the Prestons for dinner, then me, Beck, Steve, mom and nanny went out to the little stores to look for souvineers (sp?) Waves, Pacific, Wings, etc... I was absolutely disgusted. Those stores make me so mad its not even funny. They have so many sex-oriented prodcuts that it drives me up a wall and back down again, TWICE! I hate what I see! The only picture of a woman you will see in those stores that isn't animated and isn't a clothing tag is most likely half'naked. It's disgusting. It angers me! But no..they can't stop there. No that would be so so so...i don't know g-rated? No by now its rated-r. They had to take another step. They just HAD to advertise alcohol on everything. Footballs, swimsuits, towels, magnets. Yeah , okay guys, lets teach all the little kids that come in these stores that alcohol is fun.Mhmm...THAT'S A SMART IDEA!!!!! Oh, and lets not stop there, why don't we umm...oh i know! Lets advertise sex! And drugs! And immaturity! These are great lessons for kids! Now, I am not always mature and I am not sinless. But I am out from under the power of sin, and i don't have to sin. I make mistakes anyway, because i am a sinner. But i see ABSOLUTELY NO justification for any of this in a souvineer store. Who wants to walk into a store and be bombarded by sex, drugs, alchol and immodestly dressed women. NOT ME. And I'm tired of it. I have to see it everyday on T.V. and the internet (i don't have to, i can stop using the computer and watching T.V.) There's absolutely no excuse for it. NONE. UGGGHHHH! Why? Why? Why?It certainly has no positive benefits to advertise that stuff! Most of it's benefits are people who have died of bad choices they made, and sex before marriage, and pregnant teens. Is it really worth it to advertise that stuff, when its so disgusting that some people don't even want to look at it? When it causes people to think about ti and make fatal decisions? Is it? Yet they still get to advertise it. How come I can't advertise Christianity. Its not bad...infact its the best thing that's ever happened to me. But no, its too influential. You can't force it on people.
#1- I'm not forcing it on you or shoving it down your throat. I'm sharing it with you, because I want you to spend eternity in Heaven and I care about you. I want to introduce you to my Saviour, my hope, my love, my driving force, my EVERYTHING!
#2- Why can't I advertise my relgion, which is clean, will solve lot's of problems, and will provide hope for this hopeless generation, when you can advertise sex, drugs and alcohol?

When you're ready to provide hope for yourself in and for this sexually oriented-drug infested-alcoholic-immature-immodest-world. Tell me. I'll show you how. But until then, know this: My God is bigger than that of this world. He is everything. He is love. He is truth. He is the Alpha. He is the Omega. He is the beginning. He is the end. He is the bright morning star. He is beautiful. He is light. He is awesome. He is God. He is big. He is #1. He is everything to me. And He is the victor. No matter what, when He comes back for me and my fellow- family members of God, no matter how big and how strong your army is. The victory will be His.

Please, surrender to Him. Give yourself over to Him. He died for you! So that you can live, so why don't you leave this world and come to Him?

Romans 12:2 " And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, acceptable, and perfect, will of God." KJV version.

If you are ready to stop conforming to the pattern of this world and come to God, please. Tell me, or someone in the youth group blog. We would be more than happy to help you out.