Well, spending a week at Myrtle beach, it really changed my thoughts about it. It was SO AWESOME!! We were allowed to...get this..HAVE FUN!!!!! Now I know we don't give Marco Island much credit, and i do feel bad about that, but i'm not kidding. This vacation was so much fun compared to last year. (P.S. I turned the porch light on after 9:00 just to disuprt the sea turtles....or maybe it was just to make fun of Marco Island...but whatever the reason...the porch light wa on after 9:00 and no one could stop me...)
Myrtle Beach brings me to my current fury: the worldliness of this world. On Tuesday night, our family went out the Prestons for dinner, then me, Beck, Steve, mom and nanny went out to the little stores to look for souvineers (sp?) Waves, Pacific, Wings, etc... I was absolutely disgusted. Those stores make me so mad its not even funny. They have so many sex-oriented prodcuts that it drives me up a wall and back down again, TWICE! I hate what I see! The only picture of a woman you will see in those stores that isn't animated and isn't a clothing tag is most likely half'naked. It's disgusting. It angers me! But no..they can't stop there. No that would be so so so...i don't know g-rated? No by now its rated-r. They had to take another step. They just HAD to advertise alcohol on everything. Footballs, swimsuits, towels, magnets. Yeah , okay guys, lets teach all the little kids that come in these stores that alcohol is fun.Mhmm...THAT'S A SMART IDEA!!!!! Oh, and lets not stop there, why don't we umm...oh i know! Lets advertise sex! And drugs! And immaturity! These are great lessons for kids! Now, I am not always mature and I am not sinless. But I am out from under the power of sin, and i don't have to sin. I make mistakes anyway, because i am a sinner. But i see ABSOLUTELY NO justification for any of this in a souvineer store. Who wants to walk into a store and be bombarded by sex, drugs, alchol and immodestly dressed women. NOT ME. And I'm tired of it. I have to see it everyday on T.V. and the internet (i don't have to, i can stop using the computer and watching T.V.) There's absolutely no excuse for it. NONE. UGGGHHHH! Why? Why? Why?It certainly has no positive benefits to advertise that stuff! Most of it's benefits are people who have died of bad choices they made, and sex before marriage, and pregnant teens. Is it really worth it to advertise that stuff, when its so disgusting that some people don't even want to look at it? When it causes people to think about ti and make fatal decisions? Is it? Yet they still get to advertise it. How come I can't advertise Christianity. Its not bad...infact its the best thing that's ever happened to me. But no, its too influential. You can't force it on people.
#1- I'm not forcing it on you or shoving it down your throat. I'm sharing it with you, because I want you to spend eternity in Heaven and I care about you. I want to introduce you to my Saviour, my hope, my love, my driving force, my EVERYTHING!
#2- Why can't I advertise my relgion, which is clean, will solve lot's of problems, and will provide hope for this hopeless generation, when you can advertise sex, drugs and alcohol?
When you're ready to provide hope for yourself in and for this sexually oriented-drug infested-alcoholic-immature-immodest-world. Tell me. I'll show you how. But until then, know this: My God is bigger than that of this world. He is everything. He is love. He is truth. He is the Alpha. He is the Omega. He is the beginning. He is the end. He is the bright morning star. He is beautiful. He is light. He is awesome. He is God. He is big. He is #1. He is everything to me. And He is the victor. No matter what, when He comes back for me and my fellow- family members of God, no matter how big and how strong your army is. The victory will be His.
Please, surrender to Him. Give yourself over to Him. He died for you! So that you can live, so why don't you leave this world and come to Him?
Romans 12:2 " And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, acceptable, and perfect, will of God." KJV version.
If you are ready to stop conforming to the pattern of this world and come to God, please. Tell me, or someone in the youth group blog. We would be more than happy to help you out.